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AMC: Maximum Power Density, Ultra-Fast Charge, Long Life​

Novel Amorphous Metallic Carbon (AMC) with unique fractal structure discovered for superior batteries. Fast-charge, longevity, capacity — pick two: not anymore! EV charging @ 20 mins, 10+ years lifespan. Power grids storing renewable energy @ 100%  efficiently. AMC — a sustainable future!​

The problem
Battery problem #1 — super long charge rate of more than 1 hour ​
Battery problem #2 — durability less than 500 charging cycles
Battery problem #3 — energy density below 300 Wh/kg
Most devices take too long to charge, and they are less efficient while charging («downtime»)​
Ultra-fast charge radically reduces this downtime, but often at the expense of number of charges possible.​
Shortened cycle life means more dead batteries contribute to e-waste, faster. Also,  it means much higher costs given they need to be thrown away faster​
AMC anode vs graphite anode
2.7-D fractal structure in the flat 2D layer​
3.5 nm cluster size, neutron data
Various characteristic sizes​
Amorphous Metallic Carbon (AMC) – novel unique carbon phase
Amorphous structure enables more li-ion to be stored, faster​

• Porous structure​

• No Li plating​

• No dendrite growth​

• Compatibility with commonly used materials and equipment​


Layered structure ​

for li-ion insertion

The Solution
  • #1 — charge rate up to 10-20 min. ​

  • #2 — durability thousands of cycles, no degradation​

  • #3 — energy density up to 1000 Wh/kg

Saved money, 

​saved environment! 

As an anode material, AMC​

is a superior alternative ​

to graphite.​


Carbon-based anodes have no alternative for all types of modern and future type of batteries.​

Li-ion, Li-pol, Sodium and other batteries has shown best durability and charge rate with AMC.

Superior batteries with scaled AMC anode. How do we know?  ​
Experimental investigations of batteries made from scaled AMC, produced by Dr. Goikhman @ Koenigssystems, Germany (KS). Tests performed by the world-famous R&D center of El-Cell GmbH and others 

AMC — the novel candidate for the anode in long-lifespan, fast-charge, high-capacity batteries:​

    + Specific capacity  >500 mAh/g (>300 Wh/kg)​

    + Fast charge rate ability ​

    + AMC material demonstrate potential to improve capacity up to 1500 mAh/g with amorphous Si (900 Wh/kg)​

    + high coulomb efficiency​

Cycle stability of the AMC based Li-ion full cell battery
AMC prototype (nC) full-cell battery was assembled and tested for fast charge (3C) and long cycle life up to 5000 cycles of fast charge. 
  • Over 5000 cycles: still alive and kicking.
  • Control cycles don’t demonstrate any degradation.
  • At a high rate, only increased resistance affects the obtained capacity.
AMC-carbon. Scaling is possible. How do we know?
Industry Challenge: Volume production of AMC at industrial scale remained unsolved before 2022, when the team of Dr. A. Goikhman discovered the Arc Discharge process of amorphous-like carbon in his company Koenigssystems, Germany (KS). 
DE Patent applied pending since July 2023
  • Prototype Lab rector build. Current synthesis rate ~ few grams per day 
  • Energy consumption  <10 Wh per 1 g (low OPEX)
  • Reliable and simple process - stored energy is used directly for sputtering.
  • Multiple-source reactor is now in operation. 

AMC: Maximum Power Density, Ultra-Fast Charge, Long Life​

The only reason why the AMC material has not yet taken over the market of anode materials is the scaling of the production process, which can be overcome ​

by our project​

Let’s build together! ​

Alex Goikhman

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